A faith that is fully alive changes everything. We’ve created a 6 session teaching series on the book of James for those who are looking to transform their faith while getting to understand their Bible on a more intimate level.
James: A Faith Fully Alive goes chapter by chapter through the Book of James – a letter written to followers of Christ struggling with hardships, direction, and not knowing how to walk out this new life they’ve received in Christ.
1 – Is there any hedone that you’ve allowed to be influential in your life? 2 – What kinds of “friendship with the world” are common, accepted, and even celebrated in the circle of individuals you do life with? 3 – How can you take hold of that instruction to “Draw near to God” and carry it out in the next 7 days?
Part 6
1 – Is there any hedone that you’ve allowed to be influential in your life? 2 – What kinds of “friendship with the world” are common, accepted, and even celebrated in the circle of individuals you do life with? 3 – How can you take hold of that instruction to “Draw near to God” and carry it out in the next 7 days?