Ladies, join us THIS Friday, August 23 at 6:30P


If you haven’t heard us say it yet, we’re adamant about investing in your family. Our goal is to come alongside you as you grow your child’s faith, strengthen your marriage, and reconcile broken relationships. We want to encourage you as you walk in the full hope Jesus has for your family.

Take a look at some of the ways you or your family can dive deeper.

✨This is how big we are smiling when we think about how tomorrow is SUNDAY✨

See you tomorrow for week 2 of our series ‘Obsessed’🙌🏼 You can join as at 9a or 11a at Malbis, Mobile, Foley, or online. And remember, we have a spot for everyone in your family! From babies to middle school, there are intentionally crafted experiences for your kids!

Week 1 of our series ‘Obsessed’ is in the books, and what a way to kick it off! To watch or listen to the full message, visit the links in our stories🙌🏼 ...

We are so ready to see you on this beautiful Sunday morning! Will you be at the 9a or 11a service?👀 ...


Every day, we’re tempted to chase after things that promise fulfillment but leave us empty. What if our greatest passion was something eternal—something that truly matters? This series is about shifting our focus from worldly obsessions to an all-consuming pursuit of God. Let’s learn how to be captivated by His presence, driven by His purpose, and committed to His kingdom above all else.

We wrapped up our series, ‘Unleashed’ on Sunday with a POWERFUL message from Pastor Trey. What has been your biggest takeaway the last two weeks? Let us know in the comments! ...

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