Ladies, join us THIS Friday, August 23 at 6:30P

Romans 10:14-15 says "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anything preach unless they are sent?"

Our Mission

Our mission trips are one of the ways we are reaching the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

From visiting our mission partners to connecting with local ministries, our heart is to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Why should you consider going on a mission trip?
A mission trip is an incredible way to serve others and grow in your relationship with Jesus. As we go, we step out in faith to share the love of Jesus. Whether it’s by mixing cement for a church, playing with a child during VBS, drilling a clean-water well, feeding the hungry, or encouraging our mission partners, your heart will be forever marked, and your life forever changed by the decision to go.

You can view upcoming trips and learn more about the different options below. Let’s Go Global!

Donation FAQs

All financial donations to CityHope Church for mission trips are eligible as charitable giving. 

Funds are not transferable, refundable, or held for another future team.

    • Why: We are not set up to have Team Member credit accounts/savings accounts which is why we do not hold funds.
    • Refundable exception: If someone has a medical emergency pre-trip or another type of approved emergency, we will do everything we can to get as much money back as possible to refund them for payments submitted personally. Funds begin being paid to our partners and vendors very early in the process and many times cannot be refunded. 
      • Donations gifted to a trip by a donor outside of the person traveling are not refundable, but are considered a gift towards the trip.  
  • If a refund is possible, we are only able to refund what was given in that current year.
  • Before considering a refund, we strongly encourage that you gift your trip to someone on the waiting list or gifting the funds to the team you had signed up with.
  • Transfer exception: If they are signed up for 2 or more teams and they are currently open in the same year to receive payments.

Financial Donations made to the church for the purpose of funding a mission trip are eligible for charitable giving. You may donate towards a specific participant’s trip and receive a receipt for the donation, provided that your name and address are included. Charitable giving receipts can be obtained at If a receipt is not necessary, then the name and address are not needed. Also, the donor’s name can be kept anonymous from the participant if noted as such.


Made payable to City Hope Church
Memo: Year+Location of Mission
Trip+Participant’s Name

Mail / deliver to the office address:
City Hope Church
10063 Rockwell School Dr., Spanish Fort, AL 36527

Can also be dropped in a campus tithe/offering box.


Can be dropped off at the City Hope Offices or in a campus tithe/offering box at any of our campuses.
Needs to be in an envelope marked: Year+Location of Mission Trip+Participant’s Name

Debit / Credit Cards

If anyone wants to pay by card, you can have them call the church and ask for a mission representative to process a card transaction over the phone. 

CityHope main phone number: 251-626-0123

Although donations of supplies are very kind and generous, oftentimes it creates undue pressure and stress on the Trip Leader, the team, and the budget for the trip.

We ask that before bringing anything to the church, please reach out to to ensure that the donations are useful for each specific trip. The mission’s pastor will reach out to the Trip Leader to see if they have the capacity to carry the donations with them and if our partners in-country have need of them. If the donations are needed, we may ask that you provide a donation of up to $50 for the extra expense of carrying an extra suitcase, as each trip already has a plan for their luggage and budget for those items.


CityHope Send100

We’re excited to announce CityHope’s goal to send 100 missionaries to the mission field over the next 15 years. As part of what we are calling “Send100,” we have a team of seasoned missionaries who will be walking with individuals and families looking to go to the mission field for a minimum of 1 year. From making that initial decision to finding a sending organization, fundraising, encouragement, packing, and prayer support while they are on the field, the CityHope family will be here as we Send100! Together we will build the Kingdom of God!

What Number Will You Be?


Savannah Banegas

My first missions experience was to Honduras when I was only 12 years old with City Hope Youth. I remember while being on the trip and just feeling a weight in my heart for the people here; it was a feeling that I never experienced before that trip. One of the days we went to an orphanage to minister to the kids but that day God changed my life for forever. It was at that orphanage as a 12 year old girl that I felt in my heart I was called to missions.

Hunter and Josie Wyse

We are serving in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, partnering with CityHope Church Honduras, the Dream Center, and Hope Christian School. We are honored that they have trusted us with the task of leading the 56 kids ministry. I, Hunter, am furthering my connections at the DreamCenter and continue to build up young men of God through small groups and daily relationship. Josie has been given the opportunity to achieve her dream of teaching at Hope Christian School.
Hunter and Josie Wyse
Donate Here

The Clark Family

We are called to serve at the new Children's Center in the rural jungle mountains of Northern Honduras. The mission is to minister to the children & their families of the surrounding villages through the new Children's Center. We get to help attend to their physical needs with a feeding program, as well as bringing them hope, and loving them in any way we can. Also, in helping with any needs of the Jungle Hospital with construction. We get to be a friend to comfort, pray for, and build relationships while sharing the love of Jesus. We look forward to working hard everyday by the unique ways God uses us.

If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact Nate Norman at


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. –Matthew 28:19-20

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