Ladies, join us THIS Friday, August 23 at 6:30P

Hurricane Response

If you’d like to stay connected to how we are responding to Hurricane Ian, let us know here.

  • I Need Help
  • I Want to Help

Do you need help?

Everyone experiences tough times every once and awhile; do not be embarrassed, we understand. Thank you for reaching out..

Every situation is unique and so are the solutions. We are able to help in some ways and partner with other organizations who are better equipped to help in others.

Please click on the button below to complete our assistance request form.


We want to connect needs with resources. If you are in need, know that you are not alone. EVERYONE has experienced times of crisis.


If you are in danger or have an emergency situation, please call 911.

If you are in need of housing assistance, call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362.

United Way Helpline is a great to find local resources for a variety of needs call 211.

Mobile and Baldwin Counties have Emergency Management Agencies to help with a variety of issues related to disasters (shelters, evacuation routes, etc). You can reach them via the following links:

If you are in danger or have an emergency situation, please call 911.

We are sorry to hear that you have been negatively impacted by the recent hurricane, yet glad you found us.

We want to help you by scheduling one of our teams, or by referring your needs to others who may be better equipped to satisfy them.

We have teams to:

  • cut and move trees and branches
  • cleanup debris
  • muck-out rooms
  • Minister to you by listening, encouraging, and praying with you
  • Tarping team

Our process is as follows, after your request:

  1. Someone will contact you via the phone number you provide.
  2. If needed, someone will visit your property to assess the need.
  3. If we are equipped to help
    • we will schedule a team (or teams) to do the work
    • we will contact you to let you know who is coming and when.

4. The team(s) will come and serve you

To sign up to receive help, call: 251-272-5023

Thank you again for reaching out! 


If you are in need of housing assistance, call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362.

United Way Helpline is a great to find local resources for a variety of needs call 211.

Mobile and Baldwin Counties have Emergency Management Agencies to help with a variety of issues related to disasters (shelters, evacuation routes, etc). You can reach them via the following links:

Do you find yourself worried or afraid?

What we are going through is new and the information flow is overwhelming. The precautions that are being taken to limit the spread of Coronavirus are wise, but all that together can lead us to worry and fear.

Know this, God does not condemn you for it. He is compassionate. He loves and cares about you and everything that you care about!

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Lean into Him, talk with Him in prayer. Lay your burdens at His feet and leave them there.

Consider writing these verses down and keep them in front of you for encouragement and/or share them with others. Let them wash over you and lead you.

    • “What is the price of two sparrows-one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” –Matthew 10:29-31 NLT
    • “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:6-8 NLT
    • “For God has not given us (me) a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” –2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

God is our source and man is often our resource. You may be asking, “how can I use what God has given me to give to others?” If you’d like to donate to help others get out of financial pressure, or you are looking to serve our communities on a consistent basis, look below and put your generosity into action. 


When disaster strikes, it is critical to have teams ready to respond to needs as they arise. Help would be needed in the office and in the field. You can check back here regularly for an opportunity to sign up.


CityHope partners with 20+ non-profit organizations or ministries that are truly transforming the community around us. If you’d like to join forces and get involved with one of these partnerships, click here.


You are already helping in a major way through your giving. We will continue to send resources from what comes in through Kingdom Builders. If you would like to give more, you can visit to contribute.


Join us in praying for all of those that have been affected. There are so many that truly need Hope in what appears to be a hopeless situation. Pray for our teams that they can truly champion the cause of the Local Church and ultimately point the hurting towards a loving Savior. Thank you for your love, support, prayers, and generosity.


300+ Children + Families served
Over $100,000 of economic impact since 2019

Are you wondering how you can do more to serve hurting children and families in our community? You can make a significant impact through Care Portal. There’s no effort you can make that is too small. Every gift of essential goods, time, money, and connection is immensely valuable and YOU can be a part of meeting critical needs starting right now.

Care Portal gives you a direct line to help families in crisis and a real-time opportunity to meet their needs. Here’s how it works:

  • You sign up through the link below. Just provide some basic info.
  • As an agency or local church becomes aware of a need, they enter it into Care Portal.
  • You get alerted of the need.
  • You respond in real time.


Thank you SO MUCH for wanting to serve those impacted by the hurricane! You are a blessing!

We have teams who will go regularly to areas impacted, working with ministry partners who know the needs and can direct us.

Many of you have asked how you can help. We are so thankful for your commitment to loving people in need.

Here are ways you can be a part of recovery:


You are already helping in a major way through your giving. We will continue to send resources from what comes in through Kingdom Builders. If you would like to give more, you can visit to contribute.


In the days directly following a disaster, the best thing we can do is let the response professionals do what they do best. As soon as it would be most helpful, we will send out serve teams. You can check back here regularly for an opportunity to sign up.


Join us in praying for all of those that have been affected. There are so many that truly need Hope in what appears to be a hopeless situation. Pray for our teams that they can truly champion the cause of the Local Church and ultimately point the hurting towards a loving Savior. Thank you for your love, support, prayers, and generosity.


God is our source and man is often our resource. You may be asking, “how can I use what God has given me to give to others?” If you’d like to donate to help others get out of financial pressure, or you are looking to serve our communities on a consistent basis, look below and put your generosity into action.


When disaster strikes, it is critical to have teams ready to respond to needs as they arise. Help would be needed in the office and in the field. To sign up to offer your help if needed let us know here.


Thank you for your enthusiasm to help people who are adversely affected by Coronavirus. This is a unique opportunity for the Church to shine! The following are areas to serve that we are actively setting up. As soon as details emerge and we are ready to sign up volunteers, we will communicate them through Planning Center’s Church Center App and our social media channels.

NOTE: In effort to limit exposure to at risk people, volunteers must be at least 18 years old and under 60.


  1. If you are high risk, such as older adults and those with underlying chronic medical conditions, avoid crowds as much as possible.
  2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  4. Stay home when you are sick.
  5. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  6. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  7. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  8. Practice Social Distancing. No hugs, handshakes or high-fives.

We are trusting God, praying for those who are sick and scared, and working to prevent the spread of this disease. As Christians, we believe prayer has power, so we seek help from the Lord.

Food for School Children

We are actively working with area schools to help them provide food for families in need. This opportunity may include delivering food to schools and/or helping them with distribution.

Help for Elderly

If an elderly person or shut in cannot go in public, we will mobilize our small groups to run to the store and deliver items to someone's door.

Encouragement to Hospital Staff

There is the potential for a small group of people to go to a local hospital to help us cook for the staff. We would prepare a meal and set it in a place where weary hospital workers could get a fresh meal and maybe even some sweets and coffee.

Serve at Prodisee Pantry

Baldwin County’s largest food pantry is right in the middle of all this, as they prepare to assist as many as they can while using the most wisdom as they can. They have specifically asked CityHope to help provide young male volunteers to help build boxes, serve on the parking team, and help distribute food to people as they drive through.


We’ve created a printable card for you to hand out or place on your neighbors doors. Download it here

Encourage & Pray

Call some of your local financial advisor groups to just offer encouragement/prayer. Many people are carrying anxiety over their finances and these advisors are trying their best to help. Let’s call to just simply offer support for some very weary people at this time.

Pay it Forward and Become an RxAngel. RxAngels is a first of its kind pharmacy program that allows you to “pay it forward” for those in our community who cannot afford their essential monthly medications.

Hygiene Kits

WHAT GOES IN A KIT Please place the following in a one gallon ziplock bag. The cost will be somewhere under $20.

1.) Bar of soap
2.) Stick of deodorant
3.) Toothbrush and toothpaste
4.) Disposable razors
5.) Small Shampoo and Conditioner
6.) Small dish soap
7.) A small note that lets the person know you are praying for them during this season of their life.

Build the kit and bring them to your campuses on their donation drop off days.

Donate Blood

Visit to find a donation location near you.

Help us make masks to distribute to local hospitals in need.

Make homemade hand sanitizer to distribute to neighbors in need and local nursing home residents.

  • In a small jar or bottle add:
  • 1/3 rubbing alcohol,
  • 1/3 aloe vera gel, 
  • And 1/3 glycerin, if you can find it.
  • Add several drops of the natural antiseptic, tea tree oil. (If you can’t find glycerin, you can make it with 1/2 of first two ingredients and a few extra drops of oil.)


Pass out snacks/energy drinks at local truck stops. Many truck drivers are working overtime trying to keep shipments on time.

Pray Encourage & Check Needs of the Elderly

Help make phone calls to offer prayer, encouragement, and check on the needs of those that are over 60.


Encourage local Grocery Store Employees. Stop by not to shop but just to pray and encourage those working very hard to keep shelves stocked. Give an encouraging letter, some snacks, or just offer prayer (from a safe distance, of course 🙂 )

We want to connect needs with resources. If you are in need, know that you are not alone. EVERYONE has experienced times when ends don’t meet and needs assistance. We believe that generosity is active and look forward to walking through the process of restoration with you because life is better together.

Maybe it’s a job, an appliance, help with a bill, or you just need to sit down with someone and talk about your situation.
Check out the options below. 


Click here to apply for financial assistance with an upcoming payment. After completing the form, we will contact you to set an appointment to meet with us. Financial assistance is not guaranteed and is affected by the availability of funds.


Click here to locate furniture, appliances, clothing, and more. You will be directed to our Facebook Exchange which is brand new so you may be one of the first to post there. Check back regularly for updates.


Click here to schedule an appointment to sit down face to face with someone that can help you navigate through your financial pressures.


If you are in danger or have an emergency situation, please call 911.

Mobile and Baldwin Counties have Emergency Management Agencies to help with a variety of issues related to disasters (shelters, evacuation routes, etc). You can reach them via the following links:

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