Ladies, join us THIS Friday, August 23 at 6:30P

We are in an exciting series right now called Let’s Talk About It,” where we tackle all those conversations you’ve been itching to have. Anything and everything that might be a hot cultural subject.

If you want to dive deeper into any week’s subject, we’ve created this resource page with a selection of books related to these topics. We’ll be updating it regularly throughout the series, so be sure to visit each week for new additions.


(Disclaimer: CityHope does not endorse every view expressed in these books or in other works by these authors.)

Part 1: Politics

Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: A Christian's Guide to Engaging Politics

According to Eugene Cho, Christians should never profess blind loyalty to a party. Any party. But they should engage with politics, because politics inform policies which impact people.

Kingdom Politics: Returning God to Government

Christians love to talk about politics, but the current conversation is full of contentious words that divide our churches and families. Dr. Tony Evans takes a step back to find foundational Bible principles for integrating politics into our daily lives.

The Three Languages of Politics: Talking Across the Political Divides

When it was first released in 2013, Arnold Kling's The Three Languages of Politics was a prescient exploration of political communication, detailing the “three tribal coalitions” that make up America's political landscape.

Part 2: Deconstruction

Making Sense of God

We live in an age of skepticism. Our society places such faith in empirical reason, historical progress, and heartfelt emotion that it’s easy to wonder: Why should anyone believe in Christianity? What role can faith and religion play in our modern lives?

The Great DeChurching

Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? The Great Dechurching takes the insights gleaned from this study to drill down on how exactly people are dechurching with respect to beliefs, behavior, and belonging.

Part 3: How Can I Trust The Bible

The Historical Jesus

Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ. The Historical Jesus examines this mystery, answering the age-old question of Christ’s identity. Examining archaeological, textual, and extra-biblical evidence, Habermas provides a strong foundation for the existence and deity of Jesus. This study will strengthen your faith and equip you to present a strong case to seeking unbelievers.

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable.

Mere Christianity

"C.S. Lewis is the ideal persuader for the half-convinced, for the good man who would like to be a Christian but finds his intellect getting in the way." — Anthony Burgess, New York Times Book Review

Our moral consciousness and moral judgements are proof to the human race that a moral being exists—God.

Can We Trust the Gospels?

The Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, John—are four accounts of Jesus’s life and teachings while on earth. But should we accept them as historically accurate? What evidence is there that the recorded events actually happened?

Part 4: Gender Dysphoria & the Transgender Movement

Love Thy Body

Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality

What God Has to Say about Our Bodies

How the Gospel Is Good News for Our Physical Selves

Talking to Kids About Gender Identity

The Wisdom You Need on One of the Hardest Issues of Our Day

Emerging Gender Identities

Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today’s Youth - Mark Yarhouse

Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender

The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is a group of Christian pastors, leaders and theologians who work together to be the Church's most trusted source of theologically sound teaching and practical guidance on questions related to sexuality and gender. Here you can find resources like online video courses, podcast, small group material to help educate and equip leaders, parents, LGBTQ+ people and anyone wrestling with their sexuality or gender identity.

Part 5: Why does God care who I sleep with?

Is God Anti-Gay

Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures, and offers a positive and liberating way forward through the debate.

Holy Sexuality and the Gospel

From the author of Out of a Far Country, which details his dramatic conversion from an agnostic gay man who put his identity in his sexuality to a Bible professor who now puts his identity in Christ alone, comes a gospel-centered discussion of sex, desire, and relationships.

Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones

For every pastor, every parent, and all who care Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones provides practical insights on how to honor God and radically love LGBT+ people in your life. Our 150-page, interactive guide is a comprehensive resource that rapidly equips pastors, parents, and all who care.

A Change of Affection

The powerful, dramatic story of how a successful Hollywood set designer whose identity was deeply rooted in his homosexuality came to be suddenly and utterly transformed by the power of the gospel.

People to Be Loved

Simply saying that the Bible condemns homosexuality is not accurate, nor is it enough to end the debate. Those holding a traditional view still struggle to reconcile the Bible’s prohibition of same-sex attraction with the message of radical, unconditional grace. This book meets that need.

Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender

The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender is a group of Christian pastors, leaders and theologians who work together to be the Church's most trusted source of theologically sound teaching and practical guidance on questions related to sexuality and gender. Here you can find resources like online video courses, podcast, small group material to help educate and equip leaders, parents, LGBTQ+ people and anyone wrestling with their sexuality or gender identity.

Part 6: How can a good God allow suffering?

Suffering Is Never for Nothing

Hard times come for all in life, with no real explanation. When we walk through suffering, it has the potential to devastate and destroy, or to be the gateway to gratitude and joy.

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering is the definitive Christian book on why bad things happen and how we should respond to them. The question of why there is pain and suffering in the world has confounded every generation; yet there has not been a major book from a Christian perspective exploring why they exist for many years.

Part 7: How can a good God allow suffering?

Hurt People Hurt People

“Hurt people hurt people” is more than a clever phrase; it’s a sad truth. Hurt people hurt others because they themselves have been hurt. And each one of us has been hurt to one degree or another. As that damage causes us to become defensive and self-protective, we may lash out at others. Hurting becomes a vicious cycle.

Leadership and Emotional Sabotage

Who are you when the teeth come out? For every true act of leadership, there is an equal and monstrous act of sabotage. Our leaders have been entirely routed by the agitated and the anxious. These emotional tyrannies manifest themselves in local libraries, HR cubicles, elder meetings, and at your Thanksgiving dinners.

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