We Will Continue Online-Only Gatherings
Due to the rising reports of COVID-19 in our local area, we are postponing in-person gatherings and returning to online-only gatherings at this time.
We are postponing the limited gatherings we planned to hold over the next few weeks, and won’t return to in-person gatherings of any kind until we believe it is safe to do so. Please know that we have not made these decisions lightly, our heart is to keep our families and community safe during this time.
While we’re disappointed that we have to wait a little while longer to gather in-person, we’re grateful that God’s work isn’t limited to the walls of our buildings. We encourage you to continue your digital and socially-distanced gatherings, seek God daily, and look for every opportunity to love your neighbor as yourself during this season.
We look forward to worshipping with you Online this weekend at 9a or 11a.