Authentic life change happens in the context of relationships. Whether you’ve been at CityHope for a while or you’re brand new, looking to get more connected, groups are the perfect way to make our big church feel small.
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Discuss your favorite fight scene of your favorite action movie. What makes this scene stand out to you? What makes it significant in the story?
What are some areas within your family that you feel compelled to fight to the finish for? What factors brought this realization to you? What challenges will you face as you prepare for this ongoing battle?
This message mentioned 2 types of families: blood families and spirit families. Talk with your group about the importance of having the resolve to fight for people in both families. What makes combining blood and spirit in your fight for your family?
Winning a fight to the finish for your family means that there is an enemy who wants to destroy you. Without preparing for this fight, the enemy will devour your family. Today’s message talked about how to prepare for the fight and what to wear to battle. Discuss with your group your battle attire, and how it is useful for the upcoming battles.
Your family is worth your fight to the finish. Take time this week to strengthen your resolve to fight. Many of you will be gathered this week with family as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Use this time to be reminded of how important it is to be victorious for your family. What plans will you make to ensure that generations are positively changed due to your resolve to fight to the finish?
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“Parenting with the End in Mind”
What is a Kingdom Builder project that you would say that is near and dear to your heart? Why does this project resonate with you?
Pastor Trey made a statement in this week’s message that said, “Your house and His house are connected.” How does this look for your family?
Psalm 127:3-5 NLT — Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. 4 Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. 5 How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.
This is a beautiful metaphor — every home becomes an archery range, every family a quiver. Now the job of a parent is like that of a warrior… it sparks our imagination. In terms of archery, what would you identify as your target?
Why would did you select this as your target?
When we say we must parent with the end in mind, what does that mean for you?
There were 3 terms used for the types of parenting styles we may find ourselves using: Over- Parenting, Under-Parenting, and Inner-Parenting. Discuss each style of parenting styles. Which one do you see as most common?
Which style do you see as the healthiest style? What are the challenges facing this style of parenting?
At the close of the message, where did you find yourself drawn to in terms of intentional arrows for your family?
Take time this week to identify specific areas that you can fight for the partnership between your family and your church family.
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“One Generation to Another”
Take a minute and discuss one characteristic that sticks out to you about following Generations: Baby Boomers, GenX, GenZ, Millennials, Silent Gen, Greatest Gen.
What are some things that you have learned from an older generation? What have you learned from a younger generation? Why do you think it is important to learn from those older and younger than you?
What are some common and noticeable attacks that occur that try to negatively affect purity in today’s culture? What patterns form when trying to deal with the issue of purity?
LEARN:The following quote was made by Pastor Trey in this week’s message: “Parents are God’s primary vehicle for reaching and discipling the next generation.” What are some ways that your parenting approach can be a disciple maker at home? What are things that challenge the family in the area of discipleship at home?
How can a relay race be a good example of discipling the next generation?
Take time this week and ask yourself this question about your family:
“How can you lead a God first family with a second hand faith?”
Consider what is preventing your family from leading with God first in your decision making.
What are some things that can be changed in order to bring a God first intentionality back to your family?
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Pt. 2
What was the loudest sporting event that you have ever attended? Why does it stand out to you for being so loud?
What was the most embarrassing / funny thing that you have witnessed at a family reunion?
Do you remember a specific time when a group of students made a noticeable impact? What was the cause? How did they affect change or impact?
What are some common and noticeable attacks that occur that try to negatively affect purity in today’s culture? What patterns form when trying to deal with the issue of purity?
Why do you think it is difficult to maintain a high level of energy and character when you find yourself not being noticed? Obscurity creates challenges in growing and developing at times. What are some things you can do to keep on the path of your purpose, even when you feel like no one is paying attention?
How can insecurity affect you from living out your God-given calling? What are some things you can do to fight through the insecurity attack on your life?
Take time this week and identify areas that you can improve on in the 3 areas discussed in the message: Purity, Obscurity, and Insecurity.
How will you keep these 3 areas in your life from stealing your purpose in life?
List several ways that you can refuse to let these 3 areas negatively impact your life today, and affect future generations that you impact?
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Lesson 1: Start with Surrender
What is your most favorite room in your home? Share with your group what makes this room so special to you.
What is a memory associated with your family that always brings laughter to you when you think about it?
What is one of your favorite things to do as a family? What is your favorite place to visit?
What would you say is your hope for your family? What are a couple of things right now that if you could change, you would do it?
Pastor Trey made the statement, “You only truly have what you are willing to give away.” What areas in your family do you think are so difficult to give away, or let go of?
What are the most difficult things to surrender when looking at the family dynamic? How has surrendering to Jesus impacted the life of your family?
Take time this week and pray for your family by name. First, make a list of things that you know are crucial for your family. Surrender your way of trying to make it happen on your own and trust in the Messiah to lead you into the promise of hope for your family. Write down what God says to you during this time of intentional prayer over your family. Expect God’s supernatural hope over your family’s needs.
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Lesson 9: The Truest Thing
Have you ever had someone come up to you and call you by the wrong name? What was the reason for the mix up? How did being called by a different name make you feel?
Have you ever been told that you look like someone else? How did this statement make you feel in relation to the other person? How did it make you feel about yourself?
Sunday’s message centered around understanding true identity. What are some factors that could lead someone to doubt or be confused about their identity?
Discuss with your group some common influences that our culture today uses to try and define a person’s identity? Why do you think it is so easy to listen to the false narrative culture wants to speak over your life?
The following words were spoken by Paul in Ephesians 1:3-14 to remind us of our true identity in Christ:
Take a minute and reread this passage with your small group aloud and discuss how each of these true identifiers combat the lies from the enemy about your truest identity.
In the video, Pastor Trey used an example from the children’s book “Just in Case You Ever Wonder,” by Max Lucado. This book reminds us of our “Imago Dei” birth right which is to be created in the Image of God. What can you take away from this book, as well as this entire series, about God’s love for you? What promises can you declare over your life to keep you further grounded in your truest identity in Christ? What voices do you need to ignore concerning the false narrative the enemy wants you to believe about you?
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Share with your group a story where either you, or someone that you know were caught trespassing without permission. What was the outcome?
Have you ever had an awkward experience with asking the question: “How are you doing?” Share your experience with the group.
Have you ever been caught off guard by someone asking you, “How are you doing?” How did you respond in this situation?
A boundary is defined by being a property line that separates what you own, who you are, or what you are responsible for. When there are no established boundaries the major problem is trespassing.
What personal boundaries have you set up in your life? Why did you need to set these boundaries?
What boundaries would you say are the most difficult to set and to keep? Why do you think these are so difficult to stay committed to?
Healthy boundaries are not intended to be selfish in nature. What are some boundaries that you can think of that could turn selfish? Why do you think they ultimately turn this way? How can you keep from setting selfish boundaries?
Why you think walls are built around certain people? Have you ever set up walls to keep people out that were underserving of this due to previous hurt?
There were 3 points in Sunday’s message that help with establishing healthy boundaries.
How are these 3 points beneficial in having personal self-control? How can establishing these boundaries change your relationship with others?
Take time and look at your “true” self this week. What are some things that are preventing you from being a fully formed follower of Jesus? Identify areas that you need to establish self-control in your life. Take time to recall people who negatively affect your decision making process and set healthy boundaries of protection.
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Lesson 7: Forgiveness is Freedom
“ME, MY (TRUE) SELF, AND GOD” Lesson 6: Forgiveness is Freedom
What is the furthest destination you have ever traveled? (Mission Trip, vacation, work related) How was your traveling experience to the destination? What was your experience like as you spent time at this location?
Have you ever been prescribed a certain type of medicine that you know will bring you to a place of health, but taking the medicine becomes a dreaded “hard pill to swallow?” Why were you so reluctant to take the medicine?
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult challenges we face in our ongoing journey to be like Christ. Why do you think it is so difficult understand that forgiveness does not mean that we are to forget?
Why do you think that acknowledging the hurt is a very painful but necessary step to forgiveness?
This week’s message brought another step in receiving true forgiveness. It says, “Forgiveness is giving others what God gave me.” What are some of the challenges of looking past what we think is fair and into what we know is Christlike? Why do you think we struggle with giving the same grace that was given to us by surrendering our right to punish those who have hurt us?
Why do you think we get confused with the fact that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation? Have you ever made the choice to not forgive because of your fear to be in fellowship with this person?
Forgiveness was compared to being like air in our lungs. We receive it over and over from God, but we can’t hold it in or we will suffocate. It has to be released to those around us. What are some examples of how forgiveness cannot only flow to us, but also through us?
Forgiveness is a process not an event. Use the 4 points in this week’s message to experience true forgiveness and freedom. Answer the following questions:
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Lesson 6: Created for Connection
What are the most important things that are affected in your life when you are disconnected from electricity? How is your life impacted by being disconnected?
What is a quirky or unusual fear that you have related to people?
Who has been a spiritual hero in your life? How has this person connected with you? How have your grown because of this person in your life?
We often fail to recognize our NEED for connection. However, without connection we cannot thrive… isolation & separation from one another leads to death. Have you ever experienced a time where isolation and separation from community led you into a difficult place in your life? How did you deal with the loneliness of being disconnected from people?
The phrase “one another” is used almost 100 times in the New Testament. Why do you think this phrase is so important? What are some “one another” actions that are vital to your personal health and well-being?
There were 5 challenges that were given to learn how to truly connect with others.
Take time this week and evaluate how you are doing with authentic community. Are you just touching the surface when connecting with others? Are you doing your part to grow deeper with authentic community? What can you do differently to receive a deeper connection from others, and give others a sense of safety that they can trust and depend on you for deeper community?
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Lesson 5: At the Well – Guest Speaker Hosanna Wong
Guest speaker Hosanna Wong discussed her and her brother’s passion about comic books. Would you consider yourself to be more of a Marvel Comics fan, a DC fan or neither?
Who is your favorite Superhero? Who would be your favorite Villain? Why?
Hosanna Wong shared the story about a woman known as Mrs. Lee who took time to listen to a young man’s vacuum cleaner’s sales pitch that eventually led to her leading her father to Christ. This encounter led to her father’s pursuit of a life- long ministry of leading people to Christ. Do you know someone who reminds you of Ms. Lee? What characteristics are similar of the person you selected and Ms. Lee?
Have you ever believed a lie, that at some point, has kept you from doing what God has called you to do, or becoming who God has called you to be?
Have you ever witnessed a time when Evangelism was done wrong? What did it look like? Why do you think it left you unfulfilled?
Hosanna Wong shared her story of trying to lead her brother to Christ the wrong way. She mentioned poor relationship choices such as: being pushy, staying silent, or being judgmental. Have you unintentionally used any of these approaches without thinking? What was the outcome?
Hosanna Wong made the following statement: “Your greatest witness can be your greatest “withness.” What does this statement mean to you? How can it affect your ability reveal God’s love for the people around you?
Name a person in your life that you have thought would be impossible to lead to Christ. Make a plan this week based on the sermon from Hosanna Wong, to make an eternal impact on their lives.
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Lesson 4: The Ingredients of Growth
As we remember the 20 year anniversary of 911, share with your group where you were on 9/11/2001, when the World Trade Center was attacked. What emotions did you feel?
Describe your favorite dish to cook. Share with your group the process of making this dish. What ingredients are important in making this dish special?
Read the passage below. What are some takeaways from this parable? Discuss your observations with your group.
Luke 13:6-9 NIV — 6 Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ 8 “ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ ”
The parable in Luke 13:6-9 gives 3 ingredients that are critical for growth and healing. They are:
Time – “The journey”
Truth – “Dig around”
Fertilize – “Grace”
Discuss the importance of each of these ingredients as it relates to spiritual growth and healing.
As we heard in Sunday’s message, grace can be defined by 2 words: “Unmerited Favor.”
1. “Unmerited” means – I can’t earn it, I can’t make it, I can’t produce this on my own. It doesn’t come from me.
2. “Favor” means – God gives us good things, the things we need that we don’t have.
Discuss with your group how this definition of grace is so crucial for living a fully alive life.
Take time this week and evaluate what ingredients you have working for you, and what ingredients are missing. Commit this week to find ways to take the next step by using the ingredients of grace, truth, and time.
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Lesson 3: Do You Want to be Well?
Share with your group your favorite vacation destination. Why is it so special? What are some of your most enjoyable things to do while on vacation?
What was your favorite arcade game growing up? Why was it so fun for you?
There was a reference made in this week’s message about the game “Whack a mole” as it relates to managing our spiritual growth. What are some “Whack a mole” moments from the past that brought exhaustion, discouragement, and unresolved issues? Why do you think these situations keep popping back up from time to time?
Pastor Trey shared a graphic in the message displaying stages of discipleship. These stages are: Stage 1 – Life changing awareness of God
Stage 2 – Learning
Stage 3 – The active life
Stage 4 – Journey inward
Stage 5 – Journey outward
Stage 6 – Transformed into love
Stage 7 – Leading someone in discipleship
What stage of discipleship would you say that you are currently in? Why did you choose this stage?
Pastor Trey talked about what a spiritual wall could be in our lives, as well as sharing 2 primary ways to get through that wall:
1. Through a crisis we face that turns our world upside down. 2. A holy discontent for where you are.
Share with your group a time where you had to break through a spiritual wall. How did you break through the wall? What lesson was learned during this breakthrough moment?
There was a statement made in the message that said, “You can’t be healed from what you’re unwilling to face.” Discuss with your group the significance of this statement.
Can you recall a “Pick up your mat and walk” moment that completely changed your life? If so, how is it still impacting your life today?
The following statements were made in Sunday’s message:
“The problem is that it is easier to live in my excuses rather than doing what is necessary to be free.” Jud Wilhite — “Sometimes a familiar captivity feels more comfortable than an unfamiliar freedom.”
Jesus asked the invalid, “Do you want to be well?” This question is also being directed to you. During the course of this week, take time to pursue the answer to this life changing question. If your answer is yes, there are 3 decisions that you must make in order to authenticate your “Yes.”
3 Decisions I must make:
I must decide if I really want to be healed.
I must decide to stop making excuses.
I must decide to take action.
Use these 3 questions to actively pursue your healing this week.
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Lesson 2:
Share with your group something that would be very difficult to change in your life? ( This could be music preferences, sports teams, profession, etc.) Why is change so difficult in these situations?
Have you ever said, “I have already made up my mind?” Looking back at the times when you have previously made this statement, was this the most healthy response for that particular scenario? Did you ever find yourself making poor decisions based on being closed – minded to change?
In Sunday’s message, there were 3 attributes mentioned to describe the soul:
Mind – Reasoning and thinking process
Will – Deciding and choosing process
Emotions – Feelings
How does this affect your ability to experience life in a healthy manner?
After watching the video content for week 2, discuss your observations of Spirit Salvation vs. Soul Salvation. ( Remember, You are a Spirit, you possess a soul, and you live in a body. )
Discuss with your group some reflex decisions that you have made in the past that takes you back to your teenage years. What influence do you think affected these reflex decisions?
Who is the most positive person that you know? What characteristics do they have that solidifies your selection?
In Sunday’s message, Pastor Jerry talked about the importance of a sheep being sheared. As a fellow sheep, take time this week and have conversation with the Great Shepherd about areas in your life that you give permission for “shearing.” Write down some healthy and attainable goals that you hope to achieve during this “shearing” process.
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Lesson 1: Beneath the Surface
Take a moment and introduce yourself to your group and share something interesting about you.
Now, present a character sketch of yourself. Include items such as: likes, dislikes, favorite foods, favorite vacation spots, hobbies, etc.
We find the character sketch of Jesus in Galatians 5:22-23 NLT —“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”
If this is a true marker of what a true, mature, holistic disciple looks like, in what areas do you feel like you are doing well? In what areas do you have difficulty with?
After watching the video content for week 1, discuss your observations of the story of Madeline.
In this week’s message, Pastor Trey used an example of an Iceberg — What you see on top, at the surface, is the part that is cleaned up and presentable to others. This is where most of us live. Unfortunately, that’s only 10% of it. There is an additional 90% that is below surface.
What would you say are common “Beneath the surface” issues that negatively impact our pursuit of being like Christ? Why is it sometimes a challenge to look below the surface of the person we truly see in the mirror looking back at us?
In Sunday’s message, Pastor Trey made a statement that says,” An authentic relationship with Jesus takes us into the depths, the shadows, the strongholds, and the darkness that is deep with our souls that must be purged. There are 2 steps that were given to look beneath the surface and pursue a life of a mature disciple:
You have to be aware of what you are feeling.
Sit with the Holy Spirit and ask why.
Take time this week and begin looking beneath the surface in your life. Pursue the life of a mature disciple by taking time to process each step